How To Obtain God’s Blessing For Your Family

Psalms 127:1a
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…”


This generation has been very confused about what the correct image of the family truly is. It’s become common to see separated and distant families, and spouses that don’t get along. It’s also very common to see children harmed by their parents, parents who do not know how to raise their children with love, dishonest husbands who do not love their wives, and women who no longer appreciate and respect their husbands. There is a great conflict inside the homes. That is why our priority is to take care of our family; it’s the first mission God gave us. Everything begins by giving total freedom to the Holy Spirit so that He teaches us to sow in our home and build our generations on the right foundation. If you want the atmosphere of your home to always be saturated with the presence of God, we invite you to put these 3 principles into practice.


A covenant is an agreement between two parties. A wedding is sealed with a covenant; the couple commits to remain faithful in love and mutual respect, whatever situation they may have to face. All of this comes from the desire to honor the Lord.
If you decide to be a man or woman of covenant, this will result in stability for your family. Remember that the Lord Jesus said that the wise man is one who hears the Word of God and obeys it. This gives the steadfastness needed in the home to withstand any test.
If until now you have not experienced fullness in your marriage, it’s time to enter into covenant. This is how you will remove the pause, receive vision to build your marriage, and with your spouse, visualize and project yourselves towards the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

John 14:26a
“But the [a]Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things.”

When you know the Holy Spirit, He begins to work in your life in supernatural ways and helps you live a life of faith in victory. He helps you to grow in your relationship with God until you reach the fullness of His blessing in every area of your life.

The Holy Spirit will allow you to receive more and more of the revelation of the cross. He does so, so you can leave your character, weaknesses, and old nature at the cross and experience the divine exchange. Through this, you will receive all the good that Jesus conquered through His sacrifice, therefore bringing the kingdom of God to your home.


Isaiah 50:4 (NLT) “The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.”

We must understand that the atmosphere we live in is created by words, attitudes and thoughts. The key to creating an atmosphere of family harmony is self-control. How do you react to unexpected negative circumstances? When a man’s reaction is to lose his temper with his wife or his children, whether he thinks he’s right or not, his reaction affects the atmosphere and weighs it down. Rough words or an offensive attitude can affect the rest of the day, it can even cause discomfort for years if the other person’s emotions are affected.


• Evaluate the condition of your relationship with each member of your family. How are you with your spouse and your children? Today, pause and make the decision to remain faithful, loving, serving and respectful to each family member. Determine to be people of covenant!
• Starting today allow the Holy Spirit to put in order each area of your life, so that you can mature spiritually and personally. This is how the character of Jesus will be fully formed in you.
• Strive to build healthy relationships with your family and those around you. Get rid of the anger in your life and avoid blaming others, have a word of blessing daily for your spouse and children. Don’t allow sarcastic, offensive or demeaning words.

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