“Serve” The Heart Of A Leader

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 2:5 NIV


We were all designed by our Creator to serve. He formed every creature with special skills and a special role to play in different places. The desire to serve starts in our mind. That means that serving requires a change of mind and change of attitude. God is more interested in why we do things than in what we do, because attitudes count more than actions. That being said, do we care more about being served than about serving others? When was the last time we forgot about ourselves to benefit someone else? Below, we will learn about what defines a person who understands the power of service.


1.Thinks more about others than himself

“Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Philippians 2:4 NIV

Many people have a wrong impression of what serving really is, they think it’s synonymous for servanthood or weakness. But someone who has had the revelation of the power there is in serving understands that it’s more about the nature of a true leader. A person with a serving mentality has the ability to focus on others and add value to their lives, is intentionally aware of the needs in their environment or of those around them and is willing to be part of the solution.

Service cannot be self-rewarding nor should it be done with the intention of pleasing others, being admired or achieving personal goals. Serving should never be a tool of negotiation with God, we cannot tell Him: “I will do this if You do something for me”.

2. Their identity is in Jesus

“Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.” John 13:3-5 NLT

The essence of a servant’s heart is security. A person who loves to serve remembers that he was loved and accepted through grace to be the extension of God’s character wherever he goes. Thus, he is moved to let himself be used by God for His purposes.

One of the most impacting examples of service is when Jesus washed His disciples ́ feet. Jesus was sure of who He was, so doing this did not threaten His self-image.

Only those who are sure in Christ can serve. Insecure people always worry about how they can be seen by others; they ́re afraid to show humility, they conceal pretentiousness with haughty attitudes and need constant approval.

3. Sees the ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:26 NIV

The person who understands the power of service enjoys helping people, works for the kingdom of God through ministry and does it with joy. Why? Because he loves the Lord and is grateful for His favor, he knows that serving is the best thing he can do with his life and that God has promised a great reward. Regardless of our age, social or cultural status, God wants to use us! We need to begin acting and thinking like servants. The only people with true joy are those who have learned to serve!


  • As a cell group, take some time to examine your heart and evaluate what you have allowed to distract you from the true call of God. Visualize the cross; it’s time to get rid of all spirit of comfort, unbelief and selfishness.
  • Declare that there is power in the blood of Jesus. Declare that by the blood of Jesus you have been redeemed, forgiven, cleansed, justified and set apart to serve Him!
  • Declare that everyone has the DNA of Jesus and the serving mentality, receiving a spirit of service, diligence, compassion and love.
  • Ask your team the following question: When was the last time you showed kindness to others? Start with those closest to you: spouse, children, parents. Find ways to serve that will show others you care about them.

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