Sowing The Best In Our Generation

Galatians 6:7
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”


Building a home is much more than having a beautiful house, good furniture, valuable objects or beautiful decor. The key to a good home is that the married couple can be in permanent contact with the Word of God. That is the true source of blessing, and a powerful spiritual tool that enables, directs and empowers them to influence their offspring as they become true examples for their children.

To impact cities, nations and entire generations with the gospel, first God seeks to reveal His purpose and plans to the hearts of parents. After all, His original idea has always been to establish families committed to Him.

Just like the law of gravity is a fact and nobody can change it, the law of sowing and harvesting is also a principle God has established in the life of every human being. In relation to family life, it’s important to know how to sow the best in our generation. Learning this will produce in our children the desire to walk in integrity with God so they can reflect the character of Jesus everywhere they go.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

Salvation is not something that is inherited, it’s the result of a personal commitment to God. Therefore, there needs to be a commitment from the couple to create an environment so that each child is motivated to give his life to Jesus and walk with Him every day. Doing this as a personal and voluntary decision will lead them to discover their calling, serve Him and see the fruit in every area of their lives.

Proverbs 20:7
“The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.”

The life of integrity is a life of intimate relationship with God and with His Word. That is reflected in everything we talk about, in what we think and in our determination to remain blameless in our behavior. Therefore, when we are in the task of conquering the hearts of those children who do not yet know God, we must remember that the first impression they will have of what it means to walk with the Lord is what they see in their parents.
Are we role models? Do our actions align with the values we have been teaching? Do we honor God with our lifestyle?

Hebrews 12:11 NLT
“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”

Discipline is useful to give direction, but it should not cause wounds or leave negative marks. Discipline pulls the breaks on every impulse that is out of order. We need to learn to discipline with balance; not roughly, but with a loving, understanding, and tender attitude wanting to guide our children.

As parents, we need to work hard to protect the identity of each of our children, understanding that raising up generations with kingdom identity depends on it.

• Do not underestimate them: The heart of a child is very sensitive. As a parent, do not complain about everything you have to work for to give them education, food, shelter etc. Your children should never feel they’re a burden to you.
• Do not compare them: To compare one child with another is to cancel out what he is and what he represents. The result of comparison is rebellion.
• Do not ignore them: If your children see that you don’t take into account their words, ideas, feelings and needs, it’s as if you were throwing darts of pain straight to their heart. As a result, they will try to fill that lack of love and attention, and many times, with the wrong things.
• Bless them: If you release a blessing on each of your children, you will see how their hearts will start to be transformed completely into hearts of conquerors. Activate the angelic army by putting it to work in their favor; you will mark the path on which they must walk and keep them under the protection of God.

• Organize the members in your cell group into smaller groups. Give them a few minutes to share amongst themselves what edified them the most from this teaching.
• According to each sermon point, invite them to evaluate if they’ve been living according to the established principles spoken about today.
• In an act of faith, lead them to a time of repentance. Visualize the cross and confess the words, attitudes and incorrect thoughts you identified as arguments.
• Declare that by the blood of Jesus every family curse is broken and every obstacle that opposes family life in its fullness is removed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
• Help them make a list of the activities or habits they are committed to do with the purpose of starting to sow the best in their children.
• Have each person choose one day of the week to have a creative family cell group. For this, they will prepare a game, cook for their family, share a word from God and pray for their children and spouse.

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