I Have The Right Message

Genesis 6:9 (NLT)
“This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.”


We are living transcendental times in our country, not just as Colombians, but as believers. God is calling us to respond and assume with responsibility our nation’s current condition by sharing the right message to others. This message proclaims that this is the time where everything the enemy wanted to steal will be restored.

August is a month where the Holy Spirit will empower us and use us to bring protection and peace to every family. We will stand in the gap for our nation and not let any evil power advance or destroy our country’s divine purpose. God is telling us that this is OUR time to speak!


Noah is clearly an exemplary believer. He was full of great qualities, subject to great challenges and social pressures and lived in a complicated time for believers. But because he found grace in the eyes of God, he was able to live a life of testimony before an evil and perverse generation maintaining a firm faith in his call.


Genesis 6:8 (NKJV)
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

The grace of God is a gift we don’t deserve. It’s the greatest gift the Lord gives to all who want to receive it. We cannot earn His grace through our good deeds; it is simply the Father’s favorable and loving gaze set on us even when we ́re at our worst.

It doesn’t matter how you look, what your past is like or the struggles you are currently facing, today Jesus offers you the opportunity to approach Him confidently. He wants to forgive your sins, cleanse your life, heal you and prepare you as a great influential leader. He is calling you today and that is the evidence that you have found grace.

With His grace, you will make a difference wherever you are!


Hebrews 11:7 (TPT)
“Faith opened Noah’s heart to receive revelation and warnings from God about what was coming, even things that had never been seen. But he stepped out in reverent obedience to God and built an ark that would save him and his family. By his faith the world was condemned, but Noah received God’s gift of righteousness that comes by believing.”

You are an heir to the precious and powerful promises that God has given to this church. When you align with God’s timing and listen carefully to His instruction given through the prophets you are blessed in everything.

Don’t listen to the wrong voices that want to make you lose focus, don’t listen to those internal voices that aim to disqualify you. Do what Noah did: decide to believe every prophetic word imparted to the church in this time. Intercession? Of course! Take advantage of those times to sanctify yourself. Visit families? Of course! God wants to use you to bring life to homes in your city. Is it the year of increase? Of course! Everything the enemy wanted to steal from you will be returned to you.

Believe, obey and you will be blessed in everything!


Genesis 6:14 (NLT)
“Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior.”

There will never be a greater show of love like the sacrifice of Jesus. The cross shows us how the Lord took what was bad and despicable in us and destroyed it there. Then, through the divine exchange gave us salvation, forgiveness, restoration and healing.

Noah built the ark out of wood. The cross is that tree (wood) that represents the protection of the ark for Noah and his family. This is the time to take the message of the cross to your family and friends. Society is saturated with discouraging news, but the Lord will use you to spread the message that restores, comforts and edifies. You can and will preach the right message!


  • Take some time to impart the spirit of what we are living as a church to every member of your cell group. Repeat the prophetic words that have been given in this time and reassure them that they are children and heirs of every single one.
  • Ask what has been the limitation or argument that has prevented them from growing with God and serving Him with passion.
  • Pray for each of them applying the blood of Jesus. Declare that the arguments are canceled, that they are healed emotionally and free to serve the Lord.
  • Ask them to make a list of a family they wish to visit this week. Empower them for this great task. Remind them that God has made them light and salt in the midst of darkness and that He will use them. If God said it and they believe it, He will do it!
  • End with a prayer declaring the word given by the prophet Cindy Jacobs that this is a new time where everything the enemy wanted to steal, kill and destroy will be restored to us in the name of Jesus.

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